8 Worst Things about Being Naturally Slim ...

By Alison

8 Worst Things about Being Naturally Slim ...

Do you wish you’d been born slim? Could eat whatever you like? Well, I can tell you that there are some things about being thin that drive me nuts …

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Wood Benches, Ouch!

Wooden benches and wooden seats. Oh my god. More than 2 minutes is sooo uncomfortable. I need a cushion.

** 2. Rude comments**

I wouldn’t dream of telling someone they were overweight, so why is it OK to tell me I look like a stick insect and ask when I last ate a decent meal?

3. No weight to spare...

If you get sick, you lose weight you can’t afford to lose, and end up looking skinnier than ever!



Finding clothes to fit. I don’t have so much trouble with tops, but trousers and jeans are a nightmare to buy. I need a belt to stop them falling down…

5. Rude!

People are very patronizing, especially if you are not very tall. I have actually been patted on the head. What am I, a dog?

6. Eating disorders?

The assumption that you have an eating disorder. Because of course someone couldn’t be naturally thin, could they? Annoying...


Gain Weight? Yeah, Right!

It’s a LOT harder to gain weight than lose it when you’re naturally slim. I have tried and tried, and even supplements make no difference. When you're naturally slim, you can't gain weight, even if you try!


It's All My Fault...

All the articles about skinny celebs. Some may diet too much, but slimness is criticized as if it is something inherently bad. We get the blame for women and girls aspiring to be thinner. Why? How is it my fault?

Now, I believe that we have a natural size, and I am how I’m meant to be. What do you think? Is it unfair to pick on skinny people? Or do you pick on thinner people? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: vapvarun

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I'm not naturally thin, in fact I work very hard to stay thin, but I have been targeted by people in similar ways. After all of my efforts to eat healthy and keep in shape people accuse me of not eating or being too skinny. I think the majority of the problem is this awful catty attitude women have to have about one another. If I'm a size 4 or a size 16 (and I have been both in my life) people will still make rude comments about my weight. There's no way to please everyone, so just worry about pleasing yourself.

This is me down to the very last detail! I'm so skinny that when I wear a bikini I look anorexic. And I can't gain weight to save my life. I get criticized for being so skinny, like it's somehow my fault and it's so annoying because there really is nothing I can do about my weight. In fact, when I try and gain weight I end up losing more!

My sister was anorexic and died when she was 35 years old. I can spot someone with an eating disorder a mile away. Every emaciated woman claims she's "naturally skinny", "eats a ton of food but doesn't gain weight", "tries to gain weight but can't", etc. I've heard it all. There are a few genuinely naturally thin women but anyone who is painfully skinny is that way because she is severely restricting her food intake and exercising excessively. It's basic. Calories in, calories out. No one has a metabolism that defies the laws of thermodynamics.

I've never been skinny , and I could only dream of eating and not gaining weight . I usually pick on naturally very skinny people , because I'm just jealous of them - why are they born skinny , while I constantly have to worry about my weight ? You are very lucky that you're skinny .

R u girls done ^ ^

More than the post, I actually loved reading all the comments :D Point is, we all think the grass is greener on the other side. Skinny people want to put on weight. Overweight people want to lose weight. Who do we blame? The brainwashing media and society, I'd like to think. The only thing we should really ask ourselves is are we healthy? Of course then life would be too easy...

I look at these comments and they shock me. Why is it okay for people to call each other names based on weight PERIOD?!?!?! I don't care if you are fat and "jealous" as one poster put it, you never have the right to pick on someone just because they are different? Same for the other way around. What happened to butting out of other people's lives? If we should be mad and mean to anyone it's the media brain washing people into their own way of thinking. Don't blame the models for being skinny, blame the men (and a small percentage of women) at the top who run these companies and hire these models. I've read that the reason these "beauty" standards are enforced so that anorexia looks acceptable is because it is the last area where women are "controlled" by the patriarchy. Seriously think about that. Why else would starving yourself and feeling bad about yourself gain them? They sell more diet and cosmetic products and at the same time "put women in their place." This is why I avoid media that scrutenizes the body types of women like the plague. As a result I live a happier life.

This is me down to the very last detail! I'm so skinny that when I wear a bikini I look anorexic. And I can't gain weight to save my life. I get criticized for being so skinny, like it's somehow my fault and it's so annoying because there really is nothing I can do about my weight. In fact, when I try and gain weight I end up losing more! I also can rarely find dresses that fit. Maxi dresses look like nightgowns and shorter dresses make me look like I'm 6!

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